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Committed to Making your Gameplay Better

Welcome to Helm's Coaching.
I am here to share my knowledge of the game learned from thousands of hours(18000+) of playing very high tier games. 
I was captain of Team Buriza and played support role in the team. Thus I offer great knowledge on how the game is played at all stages, all roles as well as mechanics and game play for almost all heroes.
I bring a wealth of experience from having played in different team in the past e.g-
I also stream on Twitch regularly -

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Get Better at your Game

I have earned a positive reputation over the years while coaching numerous players .
If you're new to Dota or just struggling, my coaching sessions will definitely help.

Types of coaching:

  • Replay Analysis, (recommended when starting off) We will go through a game of yours, of your choice, from start to finish while in a telcon, focusing on different aspects of the game like item choices, map movement, hero/game mechanics and understanding of concepts to follow for every game.


  • Live Coaching, (recommended after a few replay analysis sessions ) You play a game and I guide you from the start to the finish while in coach role in your dota2 party.


  • Specific Hero, (recommended only when you have a firm grasp on the game) You choose the hero we follow one of your replays going over very specific mechanics and efficiency plays looking to make your laning, midgame and late game more refined.


Any 1-1 coaching for $10/hour (Rs.700/hour) OR $25/3 hours (Rs.2000/3 hours).

You can always drop by my stream where I offer insights into my game-play and tips to help players of all levels. Feel free to watch, learn and ask questions there.

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Feel free to contact me through any of the following channels for any queries.

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